When designing the site and writing the code, I hadn’'t realized that so many people still used so-called ‘dial-up’ connections and neither had I appreciated just how often BT phonelines (in the UK) inexplicably slow d o w n... so that even a ‘dial-up’ connection can seem whizzy compared to broadband. Anyway, if you want a larger version of a picture file, you can ask me directly: the e-mail is listed on the homepage where - I hope - it’s easiest to find. However, what you won’t find is some nifty CGI-program that allows you to click on a link and e-mail me that way: until Spam is canned, SpamBots will have to look elsewhere for addresses to harvest.
Hopefully, even folks using the most primitive Microsoft browsers (what am I saying? All Microsoft product is primitive) should be able to view the site in crystal clarity. Of course, Firefox is best of all but y’all knew that already being Bloggeratti, right?
Pictures and Stories was coded in simple HTML and CSS2. The graphics were processed using ULead PhotoImpact 6.0. For those of you thinking of creating your own page, might I recommend using Terrapin software to upload your site? No, I haven’t been paid to give a recommendation (the full version cost me £19.95) but it made the whole process of getting a website up on the internet so painless (after I'd learned how to code HTML), I thought it deserved a free “plug” (Terrapin FTP actually checks your site for “bugs”. I’m down to 4 for the whole site, so I must be doing something right).